The process of storing fluids, liquids and/or fluidized solids should be as simple and effective as possible, agreed? Along with suitable containment equipment, you also need other job-specific specific materials, especially if some materials are corrosive or toxic.
With your financial livelihood depending on these storage and containment systems, you need to know the exact quantities of liquids you have. Therefore your level transmitters can sometimes be the most important pieces of equipment you have. Precise level transmitter calibration is of utmost importance to safety.
Yield Equals Profits
It doesn’t take a genius to realize there is a problem if you think you have ten gallons of product but really have seven. That kind of problem takes money out of your company that is needed to pay bills and keep things running. Having less than you think just opens up a can of worms, sometimes irreversibly. Is it leaking? Evaporating? Flowing elsewhere? Level transmitter calibration simply must be part of your routine maintenance, even if you are storing only water.
Calibration Calculations and Other Fluids
Level transmitter calibration takes some serious calculations to get it right. Many companies do not use their process fluids for their calibrations because it would be wasteful, sometimes hazardous. In such cases, they do their calibration using liquids that are much less costly and far safer. This alone can save you money. Keep in mind that the manufacturer will set each level transmitter to a specific gravity or weight/density/viscosity of a fluid, so there is a need to calculate the difference between the fluid gravity they’ve set it to and the gravity of your process fluid.
Should your level transmitter need to be removed – for maintenance as well as calibration – an isolation valve will close off and seal all processes, thus reducing waste, leakage, danger and time.
Tolerance Levels
Level transmitter calibration can be one of the most efficient ways of limiting financial losses in fluid storage and transportation. While perfection is the goal, we all know it is virtually impossible. But calibration by the best in the business can bring you close. Although calibration relies on fluid weight, it cannot determine other waste issues like fluid in the lines, remnants on the inside of the container, etc. You have to crunch all your numbers and come up with an acceptable loss number. You need a tolerance level that you can live with or you could go crazy trying to get perfection.
Only Use Qualified Technicians
level transmitter calibrationLike your business and its operations, obtaining near perfect level transmitter calibration is highly specialized. It may be tempting to save money by using some of your own talented people for the calibration process. But think what you get when you contact the experts in level transmitters. Years of training, experience, know-how, along with continuous study and learning about all the latest developments and innovations in this complex field. Likely they can bring advice about new techniques and technology that can save you a fortune in the long run. If all you see is the extra cost of the third party doing the calibration, you could be taking a big risk or at least missing out. After all, you may learn from them new ways to reduce loss of product or process fuel.
Get the Valve
There are many factors in measuring, calculating, determining loss, and so on. A great investment is a patented and feature-laden isolation valve so your level transmitter can either be removed safely and easily or even calibrated and repaired in situ. Saving money, time and risk wherever you can is the name of the game in this ultra-competitive business world.